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Working with collections

Retrieving a list of collections

To retrieve a list of collections in a database, connect to the database and call collections().

# Connect to the database
db = client.db(db_name, username=user_name, password=pass_word)

# Retrieve the list of collections
collection_list = db.collections()

Creating a collection

To create a new collection, connect to the database and call create_collection().

# Create a new collection for doctors
doctors_col = db.create_collection(name="doctors")

# Create another new collection for patients
patients_col = db.create_collection(name="patients")

Deleting a collection

To delete a collection, connect to the database and call delete_collection(), passing the name of the collection to be deleted as a parameter. Make sure to specify the correct collection name when you delete collections.

# Delete the 'doctors' collection
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